- Tag Binder (1 inch) –(TAG homework)
- Plastic folder with prongs for classwork (will remain in class)
- Thumb drive ( I still have several from this year)
- Notebook paper
- Waterless hand sanitizer
- Pencils (Sharpened already PLEASE) and highlighters
Please donate as much as possible for the next set of items!!
- Paper towels
- Kleenex
- Gallon, quart and sandwich size Ziploc bags
- Tennis balls
- White and multicolored copy paper
- Glue sticks
- Scissors
- Pack of Markers
Also donate as many snacks as possible. (ex. packs of cheese and crackers, granola bars, etc) I use these treats as an incentive each week. You can also send in juice in the pouches.
Thank you for your support!